B2B Marketing Planning for Today’s Complexity – Advanced

Class Overview:

Conventional B2B Marketing Planning is outdated. In today’s digital-first world, B2B Marketing Planning needs new methods, frameworks, and approaches to be flexible enough to support real-time go to market efforts and, yet, rigid enough to provide the continuity of strategy to support complex B2B go to market motions.

In this advanced leadership class, I go over proven methods, frameworks, and approaches that empower go to market teams to be strategically aligned and yet flexible enough to support the ever-changing B2B landscape.

Class Launches Soon
Countdown Expired!
Executive Class
$ 995
Class Instructor
Adam Gelles
The B2B Marketing Company
Who Should Attend
  • Any B2B marketer who is involved is marketing strategy development.

  • Marketing leaders who need to learn new approaches to improve the way they plan their marketing programs.

  • Heads of Strategy and Strategic Planning that want to understand how go to market planning integrates with corporate planning in an effective manner. 
Students Will Learn

In this class, we will review B2B go to marketing planning in the context of corporate planning. We will learn methods and frameworks that deliver improvements to your planning cycles. While all may learn from this class, this class is geared toward larger companies with complex planning and forecasting cycles. In this class, we will discover:

  • Best Practices for Go to Market Planning spanning sales, marketing, and related programs
  • Collaboratively construct frameworks that you can employ in your own planning motions
  • Discuss Frameworks for GTM Performance Measurement
  • Uncover Planning Methodologies that provide flexibility and, yet rigor
  • Identify ways to collaborate with corporate leadership to ensure organizational buy-In

This class will be an executive-level class designed for directors, VPs and Heads of Marketing.