Our Audits

These 60-day audit programs are designed to help you quantify and validate your efforts against industry benchmarks to identify ways to improve you go to market. Audit programs that are available include:

The Orchestration Audit™

The Orchestration Audit™ is designed to ensure your firm's go to market is optimized. Our 60-day audit, quantifies and validates collaboration, alignment and operations excellence across your entire company's GTM engine. We identify gaps and deliver an improvement plan with deployable frameworks and benchmarks.

Discipline Audit (1)
Discipline-Focused Audits

Our discipline-specific audits are designed to ensure your firm is delivering its go to market with excellence. Our 60-day audits, quantify and validate your firm's ability to deliver a sales or marketing program (a.g., ABM). We identify gaps and deliver you an improvement roadmap towards program excellence.

Our Audits Analyze

Our Audits Deliver

Our audits provide you specific strategic, operational, technological and data management improvements into a digestable and proven implementation framework. Our best practices are based upon hundreds of go to market program implementations from Account Based Marketing to Technology Selection and everything in between.

"The business case for a TBM Audit is straightforward. If you could improve the output of your GTM to deliver a 5% revenue growth, it would pay for itself?"
Adam Gelles
CEO, The B2B Marketing Company

About The B2B Marketing Company