About Buzz Premium

The Buzz Premium is a membership-based program for B2B go-to-market executives who are looking to up their game. Our integrated events and education program is designed to promote learning and go-to-market excellence. Buzz Premium consists of Buzz B-School (an online learning platform) and Buzz B-School Learning Events (both virtual and IRL).

Our faculty includes some of the leading B2B go-to-market leaders from sales, marketing, customer service, and revenue / marcom operations. The benefits of our program include:

Premium Buzz Brought to You By

Launch of Buzz B-School starts in:

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours

Sign Up Today for Buzz Premium

Monthly Plan

  • Monthly 1 Hour Consultation (a $500 value)
  • Ticket to Annual Buzz Leadership Summit (a $995 value)
  • Access to Quarterly IRL Buzz Social
  • Access to Library of B2B Methodologies, Frameworks, Workbooks, Surveys, and much more.
  • B2B GTM Excellence School (a $1995 value)

Note, if you aren’t already, you’ll be prompted to sign up for the free version of the B2B Buzz Community first.

More About Buzz's B-School

The Buzz’s B-School is an online learning platform designed by B2B go-to-market leaders for go-to-market executives.

Why B-School?

  • Learn from some of the leading B2B GTM Practitioners
  • On-demand classes to learn at your own pace
  • Virtual learning experiences for B2B GTM executives
  • Fall Cohort with Structured Broad GTM Curriculum 
  • Buzz Industry-Recognized Certifications

Many B-School classes are free, pre-register now.

The Buzz's B-School Faculty